Minutes – Checklist

_________________________________ Association


Board of Directors Meeting



Proper notice having been made and received, the Board of Directors of ________________________ Association held a meeting at _____________________


on ______________________, 20_________.





Directors Present:


Directors Absent:


Owners Present:


Also present was _________________________________ from _________________________________.



Call to Order


With a quorum at hand, the meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order at _________ pm by _____________________________.



Approvel of Minutes


The Board of Directors reviewed the Minutes of their meeting held ______________________, 20_______, and upon motion made, seconded and passed, they were approved, and all actions ratified.



Financial Review



Report by_________________________________.



Committee Reports



Old Business



New Business





All business being concluded and upon motion made, seconded and passed, the meeting was adjourned at ____________ pm.


Prepared by: ___________________________________


Approved by: _____________________________________


Coast Management of California