HOA Blog - California

Our HOA Blog is added to several times each month so please visit it often. If you would like to respond to any blog, please contact us. Our HOA Articles are also added to and updated regularly.

Rights and Powers of HOAs and HOA Members

January 9, 2024

The rights and powers differ substantially and are summarized as follows: Rights and Powers of HOAs and HOA Members.

Rodent Proofing-Rat Proofing

December 26, 2023

At the first signs of mice or rats, property supervisors should recommend that a board hire a professional rodent proofing and clean-up contractor or handyman to seal any potential entry points into buildings. Rats and mice can destroy insulation, plastic, electrical wiring, and PVC pipes, while spreading serious bacterial diseases such as plague. Even when there are no signs of mice or rats, it is wise to have a contractor or handyman rodent proof buildings at least every three years in order to prevent problems.

Operating Rules Available

December 11, 2023

Coast Management of California has a library of attorney approved Operating Rules that can be made available to your association for a minimum cost. The proposed operating rules must be approved by the board at a noticed, open meeting. Please call Michael Chulak for information. See: Adopting and Amending Operating Rules.

Real Estate Agents – Questions About CC&Rs

December 1, 2023

From time to time real estate agents who are representing a buyer will call the management company to inquire about something that requires an interpretation of the CC&Rs. When this takes place, the appropriate thing for the management company to do is to advise the caller that he or she needs to read the CC&Rs himself or herself and to obtain a legal opinion if necessary. It is not the roll of the management company to provide legal opinions to real estate agents. It is also not the roll of the management company to provide answers to simple questions that can be answered by reading the CC&Rs. Agents and buyers need to read the CC&Rs themselves.

Hard Surface Flooring

November 30, 2023

The installation of hard surface flooring by owners of condominiums, above another unit, is likely to create a sound or noise problem if the installation is not done correctly. It is recommended that associations amend their CC&Rs to require a minimum IIC rating of IIC65 (Impact Insulation Class). Such an amendment must be voted upon using the two envelopes, secret ballot process. It is not recommended that the requirement be accomplished by means of an operating rule since such a rule may be short-lived and/or over-turned by a small claims court.

Warning to All Association Owners and Renters

October 31, 2023

It is a good practice for all associations to send a warning security disclaimer to all owners and residents each year. See: Warning and Security Disclaimer.

Minutes of Board Meetings and Executive Sessions

October 30, 2023

Board members are reminded to provide the management company with approved, signed minutes of all board meetings and executive session meetings even when a representative of the management was not in attendance. Corporate minutes are required to be taken and retained by the management company and the secretary of the association. Most importantly, board minutes are required to be provided to lenders when a unit or lot is sold and refinanced. The board should consider a professional recording secretary who can take minutes via Zoom. For information: Recording Secretary Services.

New HOA Management Client – 101 Condominiums

October 24, 2023

Coast Management of California is pleased to announce that we have been hired to manage a 101-unit condominium association in Tarzana, California.

Caution! Board Members

October 24, 2023

Some HOA management companies are placing their clients, property managers, and themselves at great risk by failing to pay employment related taxes and Workers’ Compensation Insurance. Property managers hired by management companies are employees, not independent contractors. If your management company fails to pay payroll taxes and Workers’ Compensation Insurance, your HOA and its members are at great risk. Do not take a chance. Ask your management company if they are in compliance with the law. Coast Management of California is in full compliance.

New HOA Management Client

October 23, 2023

Coast Management of California is pleased to announce that we have been hired to manage a 14 unit condominium association in Westwood, California.




Coast Management of California