HOA Blog - California

Our HOA Blog is added to several times each month so please visit it often. If you would like to respond to any blog, please contact us. Our HOA Articles are also added to and updated regularly.

HOA Board Training Seminars

June 14, 2021

Coast Management of California is continuing to offer homeowner association board training seminars either by Zoom or in person. For more information: FreeHOASeminars.net.

Earn Referral Fees

June 5, 2021

You can earn a referral fee of $250 to $500 for the referral of full-service HOA management accounts to Coast Management of California: Earn a Referral Fee.

HOA Portfolio Manager Wanted

June 1, 2021

Coast Management of California is growing. Therefore, we are in need of an additional HOA portfolio manager with a minimum of two years of management experience and a basic knowledge of the Davis-Stirling Act. Please provide us with a resume and cover letter if you would like to join a successful company.

Office Hours-Emergency Services

May 15, 2021

Just a reminder. The office is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to Noon and from 1:00 pm to 5:30 pm. Our emergency number is for genuine emergencies that threaten the life, health, or safety of a person or threaten material damage to property. Please add the number to your cell phone: 818-699-5008




Coast Management of California