Accidents On-Site
Unfortunately, accidents can and do occur on properties involving vehicles striking other vehicles or pedestrians. Sometimes a city or county traffic engineer will require safety signs to be placed in designated locations as a requirement for approval of the subdivision. Sometimes signs within a community are inadequate or do not exist at all. While property supervisors are not traffic safety engineers and while management company contractual responsibilities do not include conducting or arranging traffic safety studies. sometimes it is obvious that adding signage will improve safety within a managed community. Accordingly, property supervisors and board members should not hesitate to recommend the installation of: (1) Stop signs at blind intersections, (2) Caution - Children at Play signs, (3) Slow signs, and (4) 5 MPH Speed Limit signs. In addition, speed humps should be considered as a means of slowing vehicles if appropriate and traffic mirrors can be added where it would be helpful in improving safety.
Coast Management of California