Duties of an HOA Secretary - Corporate Secretary

The secretary of an incorporated homeowner association is a corporate secretary, and the preferred title for this position is “Corporate Secretary”. Since more than 98% of homeowner associations in California are incorporated as non-profit mutual benefit corporations, nearly all homeowner associations have a corporate secretary.

The duties and powers of the corporate secretary of an HOA are generally set forth in the association’s bylaws. However, in addition to those duties and powers, it is common for the board of directors of homeowner associations to delegate or assign other duties to the corporate secretary.

The duties of corporate secretaries of California homeowner associations usually (but not always) include the following:

  1. Making certain that meeting agendas and notices are prepared, posted, and mailed timely. This includes making certain that all agendas and notices contain the input of all board members as well as the management company.
  2. Attending and making certain that board meeting, executive session, committee meeting, and homeowner meeting minutes are taken and approved as required. Upon approval, minutes should be signed by the corporate secretary.
  3. Maintaining custody of all important corporate records including, agendas, notices, financial reports, minutes, insurance policies, tax returns, warranties, members list, important correspondence, legal files, and governing documents.
  4. Making certain that all Secretary of State filings are made.
  5. Being a cosigner on the association’s reserve account with one or more other board members.
  6. Making certain that all corporate records are passed on to the next corporate secretary and obtaining a receipt for the documents passed on.

While it is perfectly acceptable and customary for the corporate secretary and board to delegate much of the work described above to the management company and a recording secretary, it is still the responsibility of the corporate secretary to supervise and make certain that all requirements have been met.

Coast Management of California